Ran Tal, born in 1963, graduated the Tel Aviv University Department of Film in 1994. Tal is an independent director whose documentaries focus on Israeli reality through an historic social perspective. Tal’s main focus is on documentary films, in addition to which he directs diverse television projects and is editor of artistic social endeavors.
Tal is the recipient of the Ophir Prize, the Jerusalem Film Festival Volgin Award, the DocAviv Film Festival Award, the Forum for the Preservation of Audio Visual award and the Documentary Forum award. Tal also won the Ministry of Culture Cinema Art prize and the Mifal Hapayis Landau Award for Stage Art.
Tal is the head of the MFA documentary film program at the Tish Film School,
Tel Aviv University, and teaches cinema at the Film Departments at Sapir College.
He is the founder and editor of Takriv (Close Up) online magazine for discussion and critique of documentary film www.takriv.net (together with Anat Even) and one of the founders of the Keshet Broadcasting and Mifal HaPayis “Looking Forward” social project.
Ran Tal רן טל

1341 Frames of Love and War (2022),
Best Director, Editing, Kadar Awards - Docaviv Festival
Ran Tal After Micha Bar-Am (2022),
Exhibition at The Tel Aviv Museum of Art
Ehud Barak on War and Peace (2021),
The Museum (2017),
Winner of David A.Stein Awards - Toronto Jewish Film Festival
Years of Promise and Rejection (2020),
Video work for Anu-Museum of the Jewish People
Jewish Time - with Etgar Keret (1916),
Video work for Anu-Museum of the Jewish People
The Garden of Eden (2012),
Best Documentary, Jerusalem Film Festival and other global awards.
Children of the Sun (2007),
Winner of the Ophir Award, Best Documentary, Jerusalem Film Festival,
The Forum for the Preservation of Audio Visual award and other global awards.
My Dream House (2005),
Winner of the DocAviv Film Festival.
67 Ben Tzvi Road (1999),
Skin Deep - with Etgar Keret (1996),
Winner of the Ophir award.
Tal directed several films for television, including Gitay in Search of the Carmel (2009),
About director Amos Gitay and
Born Again (2008),
About author Yoram Kaniuk.