Director: Ran Tal
Script: Ran Tal, Ron Goldman
Producers: Amir Harel, Ayelet Kait, Ran Tal
Editor: Ron Goldman
Music: Avi Belleli
Sound Design: Alex Claude
Israel 2007
70 min
Made from archives - 8mm and 16mm
English Subtitles
Children of the Sun
Children of the Sun
Children of the first kibbutzim in Israel were born in the early 20th century to youthful parents,
full of hope. They have been called “Children of the Sun”, because they considered them children of the “Sun of Nations” Revolution in Israel.
They were born into a eutopia and were destined to become the “New Man”. They were educated in a ideological society that aspired to replace the traditional family with the collective one, to subjugate the will of the individual in favor of the common good and a life of equality.
“Children of the Sun” tells the story of the journey in search of a society’s memory and the concepts that have passed from the world. The film is a collage comprised of over eighty amateur films. Rare footage that was shot at the kibbutzim between 1930 and 1970, rare recordings and conversations with family and friends.
The tapestry of rare materials from which the film is compiled creates both a very personal and very public story, a form of super story about one of the most fascinating myths of the Zionist movement in the Land of Israel.
Audience Award – Israfest Festival, NY, 2008
Grand Prix – The 6th Warsaw International jewish Film Festival, Poland, 2008
Best Best Documentry Award - The 6th Warshaw International Jewish Film Festival, Poland, 2008
Best Sound – The 6th Warsaw international Jewsh Film Festival, Poland, 2008
Best Documentry – The Israely Academy Awards, 2008
FIAT Award for Best Use Archival Footage , 2008
Best Documentry – The Israeli Documentry Forum Awards, 2008
Best Directing – The Israeli Documentry Forum Awards, 2008
Best Production – The Israeli Documentry Forum Awards, 2008
Best Editing – The Israeli Documentry Forum Awards, 2008
Best Original Score – The Israeli Documentry Forum Awards, 2008
Best Sound – The Israeli Documentry Forum Awards, 2008
Best Research – The Israeli Documentry Forum Awards, 2008
Walgin Award for Best Documentry Film – The Jerusalem Film Festival, 2007
Best Editing Award - The Jerusalem Film Festival, 2007
The Audio Visual Award - The Jerusalem Film Festival, 2007
Culturescapes Showcase, Switzerland, 2011
Stockholm Israel film Festival, Sweden, 2011
Israel Cultural Center, Beverly Hills, LA, 2011
De Hague Israel week, The Netherlands, 2010
Copenhagen Israel film Week, Denmark, 2010
Transylvania Int'l Film Festival, 2010
Sao Paulo Israeli Film Festival, Brazil, 2009
Museum of Art Houston, USA, 2009
Winnipeg Jewish Film Festival, Canada, 2009
Detroit Jewish Film Festival, USA, 2009
Minneapolis Jewish Film Festival, USA, 2009
Pitiglini Kolono's Film Festival, Italy, 2008
Temple Emeth, Brooklyn, USA, 2009
Hullel at Sun Francisco, USA, 2008
Warsaw Jewish Film Festival. Poland, 2008
Festival of Jewish Cinema, Australia, 2008
Nashville Jewish Film Festival, USA 2008
Kehilath Jeshurun Congreation, USA 2008
Chicago Festival of Israel Cinema, USA 2008
Berlin Jewish film festival, Germany, 2008
Silicon Valley Jewish Film Festival, USA, 2008
Maryland Jewish Museum, USA, 2008
Forum of Israeli Cinema, St Petersburg, 2008
Rochester Jewish Film Festival, USA, 2008
Israfest Film Festival, LA, 2008
Input Int'l Conference, South Africa, 2008
Hong Kong Int'l Film Festival, 2008
Istanbul Int'l Film Festival, Turkey, 2008
Memorial Meseuom of Holocaust, Paris, 2008
The Israeli Showcase, UK, 2008
L.A Jewish Film Festival, USA, 2008
Palm Beach Int'l Film Festival, USA 2008
Sun Francisco Golden Gates Int'l Film Festival, 2008
Toronto Jewish Film Festival, Canada, 2008
Vancouver Jewish Film Festival, Canada, 2008
Sun Francisco Jewish Film Festival, 2008
The National Center for Jewish Film, Brandeis, 2008
Seattle Jewish Film Festival, USA, 2008
Brandeis Jewish Film Festival, USA, 2008
Atlanta Jewish Film Festival, USA, 2008
Palm Springs Int'l Film Festival, USA, 2007
Toronto Int'l Film Festival, 2007
Read Reviews
Nathan Jeffay - The Jewish Chronicle
Bernard Dichek - The Jerusalem Report
Hagai Chitron - Achbar Haeir (Hebrew)
Nirit Andeman - Haaretz (Hebrew)
Avigail Shoshani - Achbar Haeir (Hebrew)
Mariana Benenson - Achbar Haeir (Hebrew)
Shmulik Duvdevani - YNET (Hebrew)
Read Reviews
Yoram Kaniuk - Walla
Ran Tal’s film, “Children of the Sun”, is not only a brilliant movie and executed so beautifully, but also a movie that deals with the history of the beauty of shattered dreams. The Kibbutz was a great dream. It wanted to change the world, man’s soul, his way of life. It took children and raised them from cradle to the grave, much in the way you raise sons of gods without a god creating them. The founders of the Kibbutzim wanted youth who were a combination of the Russian "Mojik" Strongman and Bedouins. They sought after youth with golden hair and eyes of blue, the same as was desired in Germany. And like the Germans, they desired youth of the outdoors, of the land, of dedication and good behavior, who denounce life’s pleasures – and youth, as is stated in the HaShomer oath – who has no impure sexual thoughts. Youth who respect and live outside the bourgeoisie framework of the family.
In collecting an amazing collection of remote archival pieces, the movie shows how the Israeli youth in Kibbutzim were similar to the dream of German mothers. And afterwards, the shattered dreams of those who sent their children to the Komsomol. The movie presents a tangible model of this dream which inGermany created monsters, which in Russia gave birth to cruelty of a collective run by butchers, and which here produced a generation that could establish a country. That could connect an absence of selfishness as a tough – and perhaps impossible – commandment together with a sanctified cause. A sort of religion without a god who was left in the Diaspora. This is how they established the State, its renewing culture, its literature that flourished in the Laborers Library and whose newspapers expressed the voice of the culture in the Landof Israel…
“Children of the Sun” is in my opinion a small masterpiece. This is the first time I have seen this story from beginning to end, in either film or book form. It is hard not to understand that it was a great dream. As opposed to the Nazis and the Russians, this dream did not lead to disaster. Nor to killing. The only revolution in the history of mankind that was not followed by violent conflict which it caused, which did not sprout rivers of blood like the French and Russian revolutions. The movie depicts a failure, but a failure of a great inner journey. A failure which is an achievement of mankind, in order to state that if you want to fix man, it will be hard – perhaps impossible: But worthwhile. And indeed, most of what is to be found in the Land of Israel since 1977 was created on those grassy lawns, in the marches with torches, in the shame and courage of the Children of the Sun, innocently and through brainwashing, and the fact that one can believe that something will not end in disaster, but rather in the saddened, yet daring sobriety, of this filmmaker.
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